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Silicone Cake Moulds
Drax Powerstation Immersive Dome Experience
Maya, Photoshop, After Effects, Mettle Skybox
This project was to design an interactive, 360 degree learning environment for Drax Power Station. The interactive ‘classroom’, takes the form of an inflatable dome space with integrated projectors, and is touring around UK schools to educate Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 on all STEM curriculum subjects. Through a mixed-media approach utilising 360 degree aerial film, 2D and 3D animation, voice overs and choreographed workshops the 360 lessons on how Drax creates it's power was provided in a thoroughly interactive and immersive manner. The project was entitled ‘Drax in the Classroom’ and it takes the power station on the road, with the aim of allowing students and educators the opportunity to interactively engage with energy and touch upon important issues of sustainability. Those who experience the dome can investigate and pull apart the complex engineering elements of turbines, transformers and the process as a whole. This unique interaction truly brings the STEM curriculum to life. My role was to design and animate the all 2D animation including the computer, build 3D content, create sound and special effects and finally to edit and convert the final compilations into the final 360 footage. As the final films are in 360 the examples of footage will appear in the form of a sphere.
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